Tuesday 10 February 2009

Shaow of a doubt- Alfred Hitchcock

  • The credits at the beginning are accompanied with a song called "The Merry Widow". The sound carries on as a sound bridge.
  • There is a dissolve from the dancers to an industrial scene. There is a burnt out car and homeless people sitting by a river. This change of scene shows a contrast between social classes of some of the characters that appear in the film. The music becomes very dramatic.
  • As the music softens, there is another dissolve to children playing in the street. Yet again it is a contrast to the run down area, as the children are happily playing. This shows the split between personalities.
  • The camera moves to a shot of a door then a window and then into a bedroom. Once again the music becomes dramatic showing the importance of the character.
  • The man laying on the bed is smoking a cigar. He looks almost as if hes dead. The cigar shows he has power and wealth.
  • Low key lighting is used to show the darkness of the man.
  • The camera moves to a shot of money on a table and then moves down to show money on the floor. The wealth is yet again shown but also that money isn't a problem for him and he doesn't care for it.
  • A women enters the room and tells the man about two men who were looking for him. The man remains calm and uninterested even though we get the feeling the men are up to no good. We see the man is in a high position and has no fear for his life.
  • The blinds are closed and the music begins again and the man sits up, as if he is coming to life. The music is very sinister, showing the man definitely, is not a good character.
  • The dialogue does not really show what the man is like. However we do not need dialogue because the mise en scene represents the character very well.
  • He smashes a glass (showing he's violent and very angry about something and we assume it's the men).
  • He has cigars in his suit pocket showing he has a few, and that him smoking one isn't just a one off thing.
  • There is a long shot showing the man and the other two men walking down the road. We see isolation from this and also that the men are interested in following this man.
  • The music has a beat and is in time with the two men's footsteps, and they also walk in unison giving it a great effect. It's like they know what they are doing and they mean business.
  • The high angle shot with the man looking down at the other two men shows he is clever and superior.
  • Another dissolve from the silhouette to a black telephone shows darkness about the caller on the other end.
  • A high angle shot of Santa Rosa (the perfect American town) is clean and is presented in high key lighting, making it look pleasant and is very different from the industrial area we have just seen.
  • A mirroring shot is used when another shot of a different window is used but this time in the perfect town. This means there is a relation to the man at the beginning and somebody in this house.
  • The music is more cheerful, complementing the atmosphere.
  • A girl called Charley laughs and it sounds just like her Uncle Charlie. This is another use of mirroring. It's good because it shows the relationship they have.

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