Sunday 29 March 2009

Some Random Media Photos

I made this and though I would post it to show others what great fun we have doing our media course work.

Thursday 26 March 2009

Wednesday 26th

Shelley uploaded the footage due to me and Neelam on a school trip. Shelley said that it didn't make much sense so we have decided to go back to our orginal idea. I am very glad that we filmed it so early because now that means that we still have time to shoot something else. I think we may go back to our original idea of using different shots to set the mood instead of an actual story line, this way the continuity will not be as much of a problem. I personally like the idea of a drug user. It would be easy to shoot because we could just do lot of different shots and use effects to make them swirly, like the person is hallusinating. I also think it would be great if we used a shot from a camera fone, like the person is at a party surrounded by peer pressure. We will need to speak as a group tomorrow when we are all together.

Saturday 21 March 2009

Saturday 21st - Filming

Today we went to St Chads Park to film our piece. We decided prior to this to do it in the back of the park as we will get less disruptions. We set up our scene and Shelley began doing my makeup whilst Neelam set up the camera and tripod. The makeup went really well and i look really freaky!

Neelam worked with the camera and Shelley helped. We done a few shots of me playin with the doll until we relised we forgot a knife. Neelam went back to her house to get one as she lived the closest. Shelley continued filming me using different shots. We then had to stop because Neelam wasn't back as she was absent for about an hour because she needed to sort something else out, and we couldn't do anything else as we needed her with us.

When she finally arrived, she filmed Shelley walking past me and a few more shots before the "dead body" scene which was my turn to do the cinmetography. Fake blood was applied to Neelams neck and the tree. I done a shot of Neelam with the blood on the tree, but the blood wasn't very visable. This didn't matter though as I did another shot without the blood on the tree which was ALOT better and would be great to use.

I think we may have experianced a few problems with our continuity though. Although it was sunny, it was windy so some of our props kept blowing away. Also, we realised later on that when we used different shots, we hadnt put the props back the way they started so we may experiance a few problems when editing. Additionally our interruption where Neelam was away for some time, we forgot what shots we did and didn't do. Hopefully we can work our way around this and if not we may have to refilm a few parts. We have a used a variety of angles so they should connect alot better than out perliminary exercise.

Here is a slide show of few photos of our filming:

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Wednesday 18th - Animatic

Today we uploaded our pictures onto the computer and made them into an animatic. This is a rough idea of what our thriller will be like.

Monday 16 March 2009

Analyse A Clockwork Orange

  • Starts with a close up on a mans face. He is looking straight into the camera. This shows he is the main character and we need to focus on him.
  • Hes wearing long eye lashes on one eye. This gives a unsemetrical effect and a feeling of inperfect.
  • The music is very sinister. It's dramatic but not to the point of anything to drastic.
  • The camera zooms out to revele other men next to the main character. They are all wearing hats and suits. This shows a kind of group.
  • The camera continues to zoom out we see a black room with white lady manikins. The only colour in the room is the manikins hair.
  • On the wall, bubble writing is presented in a wavey position. This gives a feeling of hallusination and drugs.
  • The is no editing because it is all in one shot.

I looked at A Clockwork Orange because I liked the eyelashes idea so thought I would check it out. However looking at it in a little more detail, i like the idea of the shot that was use. Im not sure we could make it work in our piece but i would like to try it because it gave a really good effect. The room was very bland with a few hints of colour. I think in our piece we should try to keep to that idea too, to show the contrast in feelings.

Friday 13th Story Board

Today Neelam was away. Me and Shelley attempted finishing the story board but ruined it so we started again. We finished it and took some photos of it so we can do our animatic. We need to add a few more scenes in because when we looked over it we thought of a few extra things we may need so it makes a bit more sense. I think our idea is going to be really good but it's going to be a little hard not to turn it into a thriller. Even so I know we will be able to keep on track and make sure everything makes sense. We need to make things really clear, for example we need to show that the girl is a bit mental and show that nobody can see the doll other wise people may get confused. I think we need to discuss it a little more and use shots that are definitely going to establish this.

Thursday 12 March 2009

Wednesday 11th - Story

Today we stared our story board. We decided to change our ideas.

We are now going to have a girl in her late teens with a mental age of a young child. She will be having a tea party with her dolly and stuffed animals in an isolated part of a park. There will be a flash back of a person snatching away a doll from her and throwing it away. A passer by spots her playing but can only see her with the tea set and a few stuffed animals around a tree that she is sitting opposite. The girl is talking 2 her hand. The girl thinks she is talking 2 her dolly, but the dolly does not exist to anybody else.

The camera goes back to the little girl as she picks up a knife from the table. She runs it across her lips and blood appears. It's like she is applying lipstick but it smuges and looks clumsy. She points the knife fowards and says "want some?" The camerea then gets a shot of a person sitting up against a tree but hunched over like a doll. The person is dead.

The girls make-up on one side of her face will be doll like (with rosey cheeks and long eye lashes) and the other will be like a broken doll (with stitches). We will show one side of the face at a time, starting with the nice side.The dead person will have a dolled up face to. It will be like the bad side of the girl.

We will use long shots when showing the isolation of the girl playing on her own and talking to her hand. Some P.O.V shots when the girl is looking at her doll. Close ups will be really good when we show her face because of the make-up! When showing the dead person I think a low angle would work well because the person is hunched over it will get a good shot of the face.

We will use music like bells and lullabye sounds to create a childish feel. It also can be very creepy. It will be good if we can make it go really wierd leading up to the face of the dead person and it would be like her mind going abit mental.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Preliminary Exercise - Harrassment

Below is our preliminary exercise! Finished!

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Friday 6th Editing

On friday we added our details onto our work and then ran it threw. Looking back on it, we found that some effects looked abit rubbish so we took them off, tried others but decided they looked alot better without them. We spent the rest of the lesson trying to add our piece to our blogs but we have yet to figure out how to. Hopefully on Wednesday we will be able to add them!

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Wednesday 4th Editing

Today we tried importing our footage again. It worked! We edited it again and it looked much better. Although some of it lacks abit, it was only due to our camera shots not the editing. We relised that we done lots of shots of the same things but never actually used different angles. When it came to editing, the shots didnt really link together very well so we need to experiment with alot more shots never time. However, I think our editing went much better this time now we have the footage working.