Monday 16 March 2009

Analyse A Clockwork Orange

  • Starts with a close up on a mans face. He is looking straight into the camera. This shows he is the main character and we need to focus on him.
  • Hes wearing long eye lashes on one eye. This gives a unsemetrical effect and a feeling of inperfect.
  • The music is very sinister. It's dramatic but not to the point of anything to drastic.
  • The camera zooms out to revele other men next to the main character. They are all wearing hats and suits. This shows a kind of group.
  • The camera continues to zoom out we see a black room with white lady manikins. The only colour in the room is the manikins hair.
  • On the wall, bubble writing is presented in a wavey position. This gives a feeling of hallusination and drugs.
  • The is no editing because it is all in one shot.

I looked at A Clockwork Orange because I liked the eyelashes idea so thought I would check it out. However looking at it in a little more detail, i like the idea of the shot that was use. Im not sure we could make it work in our piece but i would like to try it because it gave a really good effect. The room was very bland with a few hints of colour. I think in our piece we should try to keep to that idea too, to show the contrast in feelings.

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