Saturday 21 March 2009

Saturday 21st - Filming

Today we went to St Chads Park to film our piece. We decided prior to this to do it in the back of the park as we will get less disruptions. We set up our scene and Shelley began doing my makeup whilst Neelam set up the camera and tripod. The makeup went really well and i look really freaky!

Neelam worked with the camera and Shelley helped. We done a few shots of me playin with the doll until we relised we forgot a knife. Neelam went back to her house to get one as she lived the closest. Shelley continued filming me using different shots. We then had to stop because Neelam wasn't back as she was absent for about an hour because she needed to sort something else out, and we couldn't do anything else as we needed her with us.

When she finally arrived, she filmed Shelley walking past me and a few more shots before the "dead body" scene which was my turn to do the cinmetography. Fake blood was applied to Neelams neck and the tree. I done a shot of Neelam with the blood on the tree, but the blood wasn't very visable. This didn't matter though as I did another shot without the blood on the tree which was ALOT better and would be great to use.

I think we may have experianced a few problems with our continuity though. Although it was sunny, it was windy so some of our props kept blowing away. Also, we realised later on that when we used different shots, we hadnt put the props back the way they started so we may experiance a few problems when editing. Additionally our interruption where Neelam was away for some time, we forgot what shots we did and didn't do. Hopefully we can work our way around this and if not we may have to refilm a few parts. We have a used a variety of angles so they should connect alot better than out perliminary exercise.

Here is a slide show of few photos of our filming:

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