Thursday 30 April 2009

Final Piece - Alice

Names For Our Piece

We came up with several names for our piece. Here is a list...

  • Alice
  • Emily
  • Daisy
  • Candy
  • Polly
  • Sarah

We chose Alice because for the voice over the "A" in Alice sounds like someone is screaming at first.

29th April - Editing

Yesterday Shelley, Neelam and myself completed our final piece. Ernest had made us 5 pieces of music and we chose the best one. It really goes with our piece well.

For our effects we added "black and white" and "aged film" onto the shots where the girl (I) am dreaming to make a clear distinction between the two times. We also changed the contrast of the clip where the girl is fidgeting in her bed. It made it go completely black when the lights goes off, and go a redish colour when it turned on. This represents the pain she is feeling within her dream. We also soften some of the shots because they were very dark and it lightened them up abit more. The last shot was also edited by changeing the contrast and we chose to make it light so give it a ghostly effect.

The first shot was a long shot. This was kind of our establishing shot to show the audience where the girl is. We could of used the front of the house but it wouldnt of looked very good. We then have a exteame close up of the eye moving around. It shows she is disturbed in her sleep as her own eyes are moving as she dreams. We then go to a midshot and see that she is holding her doll close to her. This shows she needs comforting and that she has a tight bond with the doll.

The shot of the dolls show her obsession for them. We later see they are on her bed so they are acutally her own dolls affecting her mind in her dreams. Maybe the dolls affect her mind in real life??

We used another long shot of the girl turning to show the whole of her body going crazy. This is where we see the are dolls on her bed. It shows her frustration and discomfort the dream is giving her.

A shot of the girls reflection in a mirror with smeared makeup is very disturbing. It shows she sees herself differently when she looks at herself. The makeup is really bad showing there is something wrong with her. Her head is tilted to give more of a disturbed look also.

We used the clip of the eye again but this time we put a closeup of my face after it to create kind of a grpahic match. The eye is moving and the close up my eye also moves giving. I like this part because we have just seen an eye, the audience is automaticly draw to the eyes on the closeup.

I jump up just on the beat of the music. We have a credit to seperate it with the clip where I get out of bed. The music goes well with this because as I jump up on the beat, its just the end of that sequence and then the music gets faster as i get up.

We used a disolve to link the shot of the girl getting out of the bed and then sitting on the floor. It was just to show there was a little bit of time where she did sit down and she didnt just magicly appear there. For this we used a high angle shot to give the represent that she isn't incontrol of herself and her mind. It then has a straight cut to her reflection. She is holding the doll. This is where we begin to see the dolls are affecting her mind; she dreams about them and even when awake, she sees herself holding her favourite doll in her reflection.

We cut down the music a little because at this point it then got alot faster and we needed it do die down a little. It goes back to the beat it started off with and there is another graphic match. This time it is more distinct. We have the natural face and then the made-up face. We have a voice over saying Alice that sounds really good!!!

[However, when doing the voice over and playing it, we did not hear the background noise. I uploaded it to youtube and relised that there is alot of background noise :( ]

Animatic - [Pictures and Writing]

Animatic - [Just Pictures]

This is our animatic of our final piece.

Questionnaire - Results

We gave our questionnaire to 20 people. The results are shown in the brackets below next to the choices.

1) Gender?

Male (10) Female (10)

2) How old are you?

11-14 15-18 (18) 19-23 24-27 28+ (2)

3) What appeals to you the most in a Thriller

The soundtrack (6) The cast (11) Director Plot (3) Others

Please state..................

4) What is your favourite sub-genre in a Thriller

Horror (12) Psychological (6) Action (2) Crime Sci-fi Others

Please state.......................

5) What was the last Thriller you watched?
The most common result was "Final Destination" with 4 results.

6) What mark would you give it (out of 10)? if the number is high, what exactly appealed to you
if the number is low, would could have been better?
On average, the viewers gave "Final Destination" 8/10. They enjoyed the action and the plot.

7) Who do you focus more on when watching a Thriller

The Protagonist (6) The Antagonist (14)

8) What do you find predictable/irritating when you watch any thriller?
Deaths (17) How the Antagonist is presented (3)

Tuesday 28 April 2009

28th April - Editing

Today me and Shelley edited some more of our work after school. Neelam could not join us. We showed our piece to our friend Ernest and he agreed to make us some music. He has made some and has sent them too me so now all we need to do is add it to our piece. We arranged our clips and it look really good! I'm worried about the music not fitting very well but it should and then we will be finished!

I was reading back on my posts and I relised I havnt actually said what shots we have used so I will talk about them now.

When we recorded we done it backwards on accident. We done the shots of the girl in the mirror with the clown made-up face. We liked the side table with lots of little bits and pieces on it because it made it look like such an ordinary house and the little pots were very girly. We used many high angle, mid shots and close ups of these.

Shelley left the room to get a few more props and I done and extreme close up of my eye and also a close up of my face screaming. They became very useful in our piece and are some of the main shots that create the kind of skitafrenia effect. This makes it psycological.

The girl is haveing a nightmare and wakes up and looks in the mirror. Her reflection is holding a doll. It is the same doll she is sleeping with. However when she sits down she is not holding the doll as she has left it in bed. This is how we know she is having some problems. We used midshots and longshots for when she is awake and close ups in her dream. The closeups show the freakiness of her dream and how distraughted it is. The next few shots are closeups of her face. We tried to create a graphic match with these shots having her face natural and then with the makeup on.

Sunday 26 April 2009

24th April - Editing

Neelam did not attend our media lesson today but me and Shelley continued to edit. We continued to crop our clips by splitting at the playhead and it worked again! We completed it and then began arranging the order of clips. It is all coming together! I have been on and found 3 sounds that we could maybe use. I have shown Shelley and she agreed that would suit our piece. We are going to continue editing in the week and hopefully the music should fit well enough and we don't experiance any more technical problems!

Friday 24 April 2009

23rd April - Editing

Yesterday, Shelley, Neelam and myself continued editing. It worked for a while but then we had the same problem. However before experianceing it, we did get alot done. We croped alot of our clips and they look really good. We didnt put them in order as we wanted to crop them all to time first. We did not finish croping them all.

22nd April - Editing

On Tuesday, me and Shelley imported our work. We began to crop it but it wasn't working very well. We asked our teacher and he thought it was because we had imported it in large chunks and suggested we split them at the playhead. We done this and it worked. We also found it alot easier to crop it this way. However, the programme then began to go faulty again and began cutting our scenes we needed. We decided to stop and continue it the next day and hope just hope it works.

Monday 20 April 2009

19th April

Yesterday Me and Shelley decided we to record some more footage. Neelam was not around so could not do it but as we haven't long left we thought it would be best just to record something. We changed our idea again as we could not find a male to film yesterday and we was in need of some footage.

We chose to go back to our mentally unstable girl and her dolls. However, we filmed at Shelley's house so we had a bedroom setting which made it more understandable. We used a variety of shots and used a mirror which gave really good effects! We have lots of high angle shots, low angle, close ups, extreme close ups. We tried to do a silhoette but I don't think it worked as well as we hoped.

Our idea was about china dolls messing with the little girl's mind. She is suddenly woken up and her lights start to flicker. She walks over to the mirror and her reflection is herself with make-up smeared across her face. The dolls are on her bed and in her reflection. I played the girl.

Me and Shelley both took turns doing the camera shots and worked together to decide where it should be positioned and how to set the scene. I think if we edit it really well it can be an exellent piece. However, we need to show Neelam and see what she thinks of it too.

We want to go back to the idea havin a series of shots like Se7en. Our piece makes sense but doesn't. It has that effect of confusin so the audience wants to carry on watching it to see what the dolls have to do with the little girl and why her reflection is different to her normal self. Hopefully we should not experiance problems with the continuity and it will link and look very psycological.

We have not discussed the music yet as we will need to edit it to see what kind of piece will suit it.

Friday 17 April 2009


This questionaire was created by Shelley. I have read over it and I think it would be really good to use.

1) Gender?

Male Female

2) How old are you?
11-14 15-18 19-23 24-27 28+3)

3)What appeals to you the most in a Thriller?

The soundtrack The cast Director Plot Others
Please state..................

4) What is your favourite sub-genre in a Thriller?

Horror Psychological Action Crime Sci-fi Others
Please state.......................

5) What was the last Thriller you watched?

6) What mark would you give it (out of 10)? if the number is high, what exactly appealed to youif the number is low, would could have been better?

7) Who do you focus more on when watching a Thriller?

The Protagonist The Antagonist

8) What do you find predictable/irritating when you watch any thriller?

16th April - Meeting

Yesterday we had a meeting. We had agreed to film our new idea but it was raining. It was not the only problem, we didn't have a setting to film. Nobody had a shed that we were able to use or a rundown house.

We discussed it a little more but chose to do another idea instead. We want to still keep with the psyco man but have him in an area which is easily accessable. Coming up with various places, we chose on Hainult Forest. We thought it would be a good setting.

Now we know where we were going to film, we thought of ideas. We are going to have a psycotic man that attacks a women. However, it starts off with him digging a whole in the mud. He then has several flash backs.The first will be of him pulling the womens hair and her spinning around to reveal the horror in her face (long shot and close up). It then goes back to the man digging the hole (high angle shot). Another flashback of the lady slapping the mans face, he lets her go and she tries to run but falls to the ground (midshots). Again, it goes back to the man at the presant time and he's laughing (low angle shot). Here I suggested we use a graphic match and have the man laughing in the presant and then in his flash back. After the GM it then goes to the women as she crawls back feeling around for something to throw (long shot). We have not decided what it will be yet but i think an alchol bottle would be good to use. She throws it at the man and as it passes the camera, the shot fades back to the man whilst digging a hole. His face is angry this time and some blood runs down his face where the object hit him (close up and extream close up on the blood). The last flashback will be the man picking up the objects and hitting the women (long shot from behind the man). It then goes back to the presant and we see a hand coming out of the mud as it twitches (high angle). A photo of the women is the thrown ontop of the "grave".

The camera shots/I have mentioned are only what I am suggesting. They are yet to change.
The music will be deep and slow. Were not really sure what kind we are going to use, we will just have to look at some. We also want to add sound of thunder.
When we do the flash backs we will use flashes like lightening.
We have a few ideas of people we could use but we have yet to contact them. We are not sure when we can film as yesterday it rained and the weather is likely to be wet for the next few days.

At this point I suggested we used a graphic match. We will have him laughing/smiling at the end of the last shot and then in the flash back he will still be laughing as he approaches the women

We will see his wierdness threw his laughter as he hurts her. The final shot will be of her hand twitching coming out of the dirt and the man throwing a picture of the women ontop of her "grave".

The music will be very deep and

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Wednesday 1st Meeting

Today Neelam wasn't in. Me and Shelley redrew our story board and came up with a better idea. We have decided to use lots of different shots like the opening of Se7en. We have planned a simple story line and worked around it. I don't tink that with our plan we will need a complicated story. Our shots and effects will be good enough to draw an audience, just like as in Se7en; we don't really know what it's going to be about but thats the best thing about it.

We thought of using an idea also like "Train Spotting". We liked the part when he gives a list of things you'll need to get off heroin. We began to think of ideas related to this but decided not to use drugs. However we do like the idea of a man on his own in a run down place like in the film.

We want to use the idea of a man who lives alone. He lives off cold beans and cigarets. We are going for a psycological problem. We are going to show pictures of girls he fancied during his school days, with hearts around them and then crosses. This shows his obsession. He will then have several flash backs of him killing them. I think with the right effects we could make it look really effective.

We was thinking of places to film. We wanted to use a run down place but as none of live in a run down home, we thought maybe a shed. It would be good to use a shed because if the man had visiters, they wouldn't go in his shed so it could be very secretive. Also we do not want to show the mans face. This would create alot of suspence.

The shots will vary but I think we may be tempted to use alot of close ups. We have to make sure that we do not do this. Shots the create silohettes will be great to use. Also low angles would make the man look powering.

We haven't decided on music yet and I'm not sure really what we will choose. We need a good pace to match the speed of our opening so we may need to choose they genre of music after we have edited.