Wednesday 1 April 2009

Wednesday 1st Meeting

Today Neelam wasn't in. Me and Shelley redrew our story board and came up with a better idea. We have decided to use lots of different shots like the opening of Se7en. We have planned a simple story line and worked around it. I don't tink that with our plan we will need a complicated story. Our shots and effects will be good enough to draw an audience, just like as in Se7en; we don't really know what it's going to be about but thats the best thing about it.

We thought of using an idea also like "Train Spotting". We liked the part when he gives a list of things you'll need to get off heroin. We began to think of ideas related to this but decided not to use drugs. However we do like the idea of a man on his own in a run down place like in the film.

We want to use the idea of a man who lives alone. He lives off cold beans and cigarets. We are going for a psycological problem. We are going to show pictures of girls he fancied during his school days, with hearts around them and then crosses. This shows his obsession. He will then have several flash backs of him killing them. I think with the right effects we could make it look really effective.

We was thinking of places to film. We wanted to use a run down place but as none of live in a run down home, we thought maybe a shed. It would be good to use a shed because if the man had visiters, they wouldn't go in his shed so it could be very secretive. Also we do not want to show the mans face. This would create alot of suspence.

The shots will vary but I think we may be tempted to use alot of close ups. We have to make sure that we do not do this. Shots the create silohettes will be great to use. Also low angles would make the man look powering.

We haven't decided on music yet and I'm not sure really what we will choose. We need a good pace to match the speed of our opening so we may need to choose they genre of music after we have edited.

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