Friday 17 April 2009

16th April - Meeting

Yesterday we had a meeting. We had agreed to film our new idea but it was raining. It was not the only problem, we didn't have a setting to film. Nobody had a shed that we were able to use or a rundown house.

We discussed it a little more but chose to do another idea instead. We want to still keep with the psyco man but have him in an area which is easily accessable. Coming up with various places, we chose on Hainult Forest. We thought it would be a good setting.

Now we know where we were going to film, we thought of ideas. We are going to have a psycotic man that attacks a women. However, it starts off with him digging a whole in the mud. He then has several flash backs.The first will be of him pulling the womens hair and her spinning around to reveal the horror in her face (long shot and close up). It then goes back to the man digging the hole (high angle shot). Another flashback of the lady slapping the mans face, he lets her go and she tries to run but falls to the ground (midshots). Again, it goes back to the man at the presant time and he's laughing (low angle shot). Here I suggested we use a graphic match and have the man laughing in the presant and then in his flash back. After the GM it then goes to the women as she crawls back feeling around for something to throw (long shot). We have not decided what it will be yet but i think an alchol bottle would be good to use. She throws it at the man and as it passes the camera, the shot fades back to the man whilst digging a hole. His face is angry this time and some blood runs down his face where the object hit him (close up and extream close up on the blood). The last flashback will be the man picking up the objects and hitting the women (long shot from behind the man). It then goes back to the presant and we see a hand coming out of the mud as it twitches (high angle). A photo of the women is the thrown ontop of the "grave".

The camera shots/I have mentioned are only what I am suggesting. They are yet to change.
The music will be deep and slow. Were not really sure what kind we are going to use, we will just have to look at some. We also want to add sound of thunder.
When we do the flash backs we will use flashes like lightening.
We have a few ideas of people we could use but we have yet to contact them. We are not sure when we can film as yesterday it rained and the weather is likely to be wet for the next few days.

At this point I suggested we used a graphic match. We will have him laughing/smiling at the end of the last shot and then in the flash back he will still be laughing as he approaches the women

We will see his wierdness threw his laughter as he hurts her. The final shot will be of her hand twitching coming out of the dirt and the man throwing a picture of the women ontop of her "grave".

The music will be very deep and

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