Friday 17 April 2009


This questionaire was created by Shelley. I have read over it and I think it would be really good to use.

1) Gender?

Male Female

2) How old are you?
11-14 15-18 19-23 24-27 28+3)

3)What appeals to you the most in a Thriller?

The soundtrack The cast Director Plot Others
Please state..................

4) What is your favourite sub-genre in a Thriller?

Horror Psychological Action Crime Sci-fi Others
Please state.......................

5) What was the last Thriller you watched?

6) What mark would you give it (out of 10)? if the number is high, what exactly appealed to youif the number is low, would could have been better?

7) Who do you focus more on when watching a Thriller?

The Protagonist The Antagonist

8) What do you find predictable/irritating when you watch any thriller?

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